Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. —Luke 1:38

The message delivered to Mary by the angel was not a command, but merely an announcement of what God intended to do. She did not ask for a sign to prove the word was true. She could have respectfully declined, but she did not. Even though she did not understand how she, a virgin, could bear a child, she believed the word from God and submitted her will to the Father’s will.

God will often give us a word that requires us to receive it by faith. But remember, when God speaks, things happen. He spoke the earth into being, an impossible task according to scientists. Finite minds cannot grasp how this could be and yet standing on the earth, we are literally standing on the Word of God.

Blind submission requires blind faith. God made a demand on Mary’s faith, and she accepted the challenge. Allow Him to bring you into His plan for your miracle by bowing your knee in humble submission and saying, “Be it unto me according to Thy Word.”

If you had been Mary, would you have been so totally submitted to the will of God?

I submit totally to You, Lord Jesus. You are my
sole reason for living. How I love You! Amen.

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