Billy Graham: My Home Is Heaven

Billy Graham has spoken on heaven many times throughout his career. Some of his remarks can be found in his book Billy Graham in Quotes, which features quotes on more than 100 topics.

Below are 10 selected quotes from Graham on heaven:

“Heaven doesn’t make this life less important; it makes it more important.”

“The Bible says that as long as we are here on earth, we are strangers in a foreign land. There are enemies to be conquered before we return home. This world is not our home; our citizenship is in heaven.”

“Even when we allow our imaginations to run wild on the joys of heaven, we find that our minds are incapable of conceiving what it will be like.”

“In heaven I’ll wish with all my heart that I could reclaim a thousandth part of the time I’ve let slip through my fingers, that I could call back those countless conversations which could have glorified my Lord—but didn’t.”

“The most thrilling thing about heaven is that Jesus Christ will be there. I will see Him face to face. Jesus Christ will meet us at the end of life’s journey.”

“Heavenly rest will be so refreshing that we will never feel that exhaustion of mind and body we so frequently experience now. I’m really looking forward to that.”

“The moment we take our last breath on earth, we take our first in heaven.”

“Heaven is a wonderful place and the benefits for the believer are out of this world!”

“I [will] not go to heaven because I am a preacher. I am going to heaven entirely on the merit of the work of Christ.”

“My home is in heaven. I’m just passing through this world.”

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