Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Ashamed About Masturbation No More: The ABCs to Victory


ABCs to Victory

A. Appropriate by faith your liberation from the power of sin.

Jesus Christ came to provide us not only forgiveness of sin but liberation from its power! Although it may seem incomprehensible to the natural mind, the Bible clearly teaches that we who have been “born again” have also been totally “freed from sin” (Rom. 6:7). We have the opportunity to sin but no longer the obligation.

This reality is a settled fact in the Supreme Court of heaven because of the finished work of Christ. It is not altered by whether someone believes it or not. Our declaration aligned with the Word of God should not be “God said it. I believe it. That settles it.” What we should proclaim triumphantly is, “God said it. That settles it! “

Read Romans 6:1–22: “That we might no longer be enslaved to sin… Freed from sin… Sin will have no dominion over you… Set free from sin… You have been set free from sin.” This includes enslaving sexual sin like compulsive masturbation aligned with pornography or lustful fantasies fueling it in the mind.

The challenge we face is that we’ve been a slave to sin for so long that when the “good news” comes to us, deep down inside we really don’t believe it. It’s like a slave who served for 40 years in blistering hot cotton fields being told that Abraham Lincoln just issued the “Emancipation Proclamation” and now he was a free man!

Initially it’s too good to be true. Set free. No longer trapped. Able to walk triumphantly released from bondage. After years of living one way to discover a brand-new liberated lifestyle seems mind-boggling at first blush. But in time as it sinks in, this once-burdened man eventually walks out into the warmth of the sun, extends his arms heavenward, lifts his head toward his ascended Lord and Savior and with tears streaming down his face is finally able to declare resoundingly, “I … I … I really have been set free! Glory be to God!”

This same thing can happen to you if you step forward in faith to please God and make a quality decision to walk pure in your daily life. “You don’t have to serve sin today, for you have been set free!”

What I did I again share with you. For years I had the above scriptural statement personalized on my hallway mirror. I confessed it almost daily. Romans 6:6–7 was my lifeline. Little by little my mind was renewed to believe this fact. In time the reality of this verse hit me like an atomic explosion. I’ve never been the same.

I encourage you to meditate on Romans 6 in your Bible (The Christian’s Magna Carta) and do as I did with this verse. It’s really true. You don’t have to be a slave of sin anymore. We are to walk in the “glorious liberty of the children of God” (Rom. 8:21).

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