Are You Looking Toward the Light in a Dark, Cold World?

At this time of forging ahead in the year 2022, I believe many of us find ourselves straining to catch the light of day. We are eager for direction, reassurance, hope. No matter what you’re facing, I pray you remember the power of the One who shines like the sun.

Here are some truths about light that I want to leave with you as you follow the Lord’s guidance throughout 2022:

Light guides. Light guides us by shining on the path we are to tread. Trust God’s infinite wisdom and resolve to obey Him fully this year, as you walk where He leads.

Light protects. Oftentimes, we only think of the visual effects of light, but sunlight has other characteristics as well, such as warming, to hold Earth’s climate in balance. I urge you to present your heart to the Lord and allow His steadfast lovingkindness to warm any areas that have been chilled by the effects of a fallen world.

Light gives life. Just as the sun, the center of our solar system, gives life, the Son of God is the life source of every true believer. Declare that God is your all in all, and that your provision, position and future are entirely in His hands.

I recently spoke with Rabbi Brad Hirschfield and we talked about considering the beauty of the Hanukkah season, which speaks of God’s light and presence in our lives. Be encouraged as you listen.

Be blessed today and in the coming days as you walk in Him. {eoa}

Bishop Robert Stearns is the founder and executive director of Eagles’ Wings, a dynamic relational ministry involved in a variety of outreaches and strategic projects around the world. He has ministered in 30 nations around the world and maintains a significant burden for the United States and for Israel.

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