Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Are Christians Still Misunderstanding Grace?

Preston Sprinkle

“Grace” appears exactly 170 times in The King James Version of the Bible. You’ll stumble across the word more often than “forgive,” “believe” or “hell.” But according to Preston Sprinkle, many Christians have misunderstood grace.

Sprinkle is the author of numerous books, including the New York Times best-selling Erasing Hell (co-authored with Francis Chan), and professor at Eternity Bible College. His new book, Charis: God’s Scandalous Grace for Us, explores how we’ve misunderstood this critical Christian concept. Here, we discuss how grace is “not just a New Testament thing” and how his study of grace has led him to a somewhat scandalous understanding of hell.

RNS: Why does the world need another book about grace?

PS: There many books on grace, but I focus primarily on the Old Testament to show that grace is not just a New Testament thing. 

The Old Testament is all about grace. It forms the rich soil from which Jesus’ gospel of grace blossoms. To understand Jesus, we must soak ourselves in Israel’s story of grace. That’s why I end the book by looking at the birth, life and death of Jesus. Because Jesus is not just the beginning of the New Testament but also the fitting climax of the Old.

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