Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And David said unto him [Mephibosheth], Fear not; for I will surely show thee kindness for Jonathan thy father’s sake, and will restore thee all the land of Saul, thy father; and thou shalt eat at my table continually. —2 Samuel 9:7

King David’s magnanimous response toward the helpless cripple Mephibosheth closely parallels how God loves us.

A covenant blessing awaited Mephibosheth that he could never even hope for in his wildest imagination. While Mephibosheth had resigned himself to a life of scraps and crumbs, his true inheritance was rooted in a covenant blessing that promised an abundant life.

Mephibosheth had to move from the desolation of Lo-debar to the palace in order to claim his blessing—and so do we! The covenant promise David made was more than a human promise to his beloved friend, Jonathan. David is honoring a timeless, eternal covenant sealed in blood and in the name of Almighty God, El Shaddai.

Jesus has sealed a covenant in His blood with You. You can feast at the table of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Will you come to His table?

Lord Jesus, when I eat the bread of Your broken body
and drink the cup of Your shed blood, I remember the
sacrifice You made on the cross to bring me to Your
table. Thank You for the new covenant sealed
by Your blood for my salvation. Amen.

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