Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Afraid of Life’s Twists and Turns? The Spirit of God Offers You This Remedy

Life can have so many twist and turns. Many people are afraid of life’s changes.

As believers we must know how to go with God’s flow. We never can determine a shift. Right when we began to think we are finally in place, God will shake things up. I think about Peter walking on water toward Jesus. The Bible never said the water rocked during their conversation, when Peter asked to step out. Readers would assume it was calm enough for Peter to hear Jesus answering him. Once Jesus told Peter to come, Peter steps out, takes a few steps, then the ocean begins to rock.

Isn’t that like Father, in our lives? A still, soft voice telling us to come and once we do, it feels like all hell breaks out? As Peter continued to walk, the roar of the ocean got louder. Even though it seemed he had a long distance before getting to Jesus, the Bible says when Peter began to fear, Jesus reached out and grabbed him (Matt. 14:22- 33).

God did not give us the spirit of fear but He gave us the spirit of love, power and a sound mind (2 Pet. 1:7). No matter what twists and turns may come during your faith walk, hold on and enjoy the ride. God has you! Jesus is right there with you! Your angels are encamped all around you! God bless! {eoa}

Gina R. Prince is an apostle of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She has a podcast show called “The Keys Against The Enemy” on Connect with Gina on Instagram and Twitter @ginarprince as well as Facebook at “The Keys Against The Enemy.” Visit her website at and

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