Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A ‘Dynamite’ Scripture for When You Feel Defeated

This Scripture can help you implode destructive habits like binge eating.

If you ever feel defeated, I recommend that you memorize the following Scripture. If you feel stuck, this Scripture can also help you get unstuck.

I call it a “dynamite” Scripture because if you believe, meditate and act upon it, it blows feelings of defeat right up.

What is this Scripture?

It is Isaiah 41:10, one of my favorites:

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, yes, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (MEV).

When you feel defeated, you may think you are all alone.

You may think that nobody understands what you are going through.

It can be seductive to nurture self-pitying, defeated thoughts. I’ve been there. In a weird way, it can feel good to feel bad!

If you’ve thought this way for a long time, this thinking pattern can be comforting, like slipping under an old blanket.

It becomes your way of hiding out when the world becomes too much to deal with.

But even though the feelings are real, the thoughts behind them are deceptive.

When I found myself in this pit, I realized that I was entertaining a “familiar spirit”—one that meant me no good. A familiar spirit finds rest when your emotions are in torment.

When your emotions are in torment is when you are in the most danger to practice destructive habits, like emotional or binge eating.

However, one of the reasons God gives us His word is so we can recognize His truth from the lying thoughts the enemy puts into our minds—and walk according to the truth.

This article covers three thoughts to meditate upon so you can use Isaiah 41:10 to blow up the spirit of defeat.

Let’s break down Isaiah 41:10:

“Do not fear, for I am with you …”

God tells us that the basis for which you can have courage is to recognize that He is with you. Whatever your feelings say, the truth remains: God never leaves you nor forsakes you. It is always your choice whether to believe God’s Word or your feelings if they contradict one another.

“… do not be dismayed, for I am your God”

Dismayed means that you are discouraged and have given up hope. However, the key to counteracting that feeling is to remember the God that you serve. You serve the God who:

  • Parted the Red Sea
  • Brought new life to barren wombs
  • Helped His people defeat countless enemies
  • Restored sight to blinded eyes
  • Made the lame walk
  • Raised people from the dead

Is anything too hard for the Lord? No!

The same God promises to:

  • Strengthen you
  • Help you
  • Uphold you with His righteous right hand

No higher reassurance exists than that! If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to write down the answer to this question:

What small thing could I do right now to move forward with the Lord on my side?

Taking even just a small action in faith rather than allowing defeat to paralyze you will do wonders for your energy and outlook.

It may take time to learn new ways of thinking and acting. But if you are consistent with meditation and practice, you will develop a thankful heart as 2 Corinthians 2:14 becomes your reality:

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.”

By the way, that is why one of the resources given in the Take Back Your Temple program is the eBook, Prayers and Promises to Take Back Your Temple.

In the eBook, I give specific prayers and promises of encouragement and as a rock on which to stand. These are very helpful, especially if you feel anxious or ever feel like giving up in your weight loss plan.

You learn how to renew your mind to God’s Word every day so that you will develop faith that cannot be shaken as His Word takes root in you.

The Bible says that the renewing of your mind transforms you (Rom. 12:2).

So resolve today to be diligent in renewing your mind to God’s word and putting it into practice.

In the day of trial, you will able to stand firm with supernatural confidence that will astonish you! {eoa}

Kimberly Taylor is an author and the creator of the Christian weight-loss website Visit today for inspirational health and weight-loss tips.

For the original article, visit

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