Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

I’m part of a generation that hungers to know God. We want a real relationship with Him—the kind that’s filled with the laughter, tears and honesty even when it hurts. We want a relationship with God that isn’t tampered with by artificial additives that promise to make it sweeter, sourer or tastier than it really is. We want an organic relationship with God. Why organic?

Though it’s a word usually associated with food grown without chemical-based fertilizers or pesticides, “organic” also describes a lifestyle: simple, healthful, close to nature. Those are things many of us desire in our relationship with God.

We hunger for simplicity. We want to approach God in childlike faith, wonder and awe. We long for more than just spiritual life but spiritual health—whereby our souls are not just renewed and restored but become a source of refreshment for others. And we want to be close to nature, not mountain ridges and shorelines, as much as God’s nature worked in and through us.

Such a God-infused lifestyle requires us to step away from any insta-grow short cuts or formula-based beliefs and dig deep into the soils of spiritual formation only found in God. In this place, our intimacy with God springs to life.

Many of us have come to place in our spiritual journeys where we want to know a God who in all His fullness allows us to know Him just as He is, stripped as much as possible of any false perceptions. We want to know God.

Margaret Feinberg is a speaker and author of The Organic God and Scouting the Divine (

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