Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

6 P’s to Transform Your Divine Seed Into Power

I recently asked the Lord, “God, I want to know how people can get a seed from you and turn it into power.” The Lord answered me with the 6 P’s from seed to power.

The first P is the word “planted.” God plants seeds of purpose, destiny, callings and giftings into people. Genesis 1:28 says, “”Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion  … over all the earth …” Whenever God wants to do anything on the earth, He drops a seed from Heaven into someone, and then that person is supposed to bring that thing forth. This is why I always say, God wants to work in you to work through you. God takes a seed of destiny, purpose, leadership, prophetic gift, singing or other giftings, and He plants that seed inside of you. In the natural, if we want to plant something, what do we do? We plant a seed in good soil and cultivate it until it produces something. How does God do that? God plants His seed inside your spirit and entrusts you to see that seed to full fruition and to bring it to pass.   

Jeremiah 17:7-8a, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, and that spreads out its root by the river …” Do you trust what God has planted inside of you? If you do trust what the Lord has given you, then that seed He planted inside of you will produce fruit.

The second P is presence. When God plants a seed inside you, you must take that seed and plant yourself in the presence of God. The presence of God is just like those rivers of living water in Jeremiah 17:8. When you plant your life in the presence of God, your purpose, dream, calling and destiny will start to come forth. Why is that? Because the seed of God will never grow outside of God’s presence. If you are outside the presence of God and try to make your destiny happen in the natural, it will not work. When we try to accomplish our purpose in the flesh, we grow tired and weary and unsuccessful. But when we plant ourselves in the presence of God, the seed inside us will begin to grow. God plants dreams inside you, but in order to make the dream work, you have to go back to God.

The third P is the promises of God. The seeds of God are the promises of God. Every promise you have ever gotten from the Word of God or in the secret place with God that is a seed God has given you. When you take those seeds of promises that God has given you and plant them in the presence of God, amazing things will begin to happen. Have you ever felt like you weren’t progressing in your purpose or your destiny, and then you get into a place of prayer and those seeds of promise start to come alive in you? Why? Because you are in the presence. Seeds of promise will start to come to pass as we plant ourselves in the presence of God.

The fourth P is prophetic words. How many times have you had a prophet, or an apostle or another person release a prophetic word over you and immediately when you heard it, you knew it was straight from God? That prophetic word was a seed God took from heaven and put into that person and dropped it right into your spirit. Many people have journals full of prophetic words that have not yet come to pass, but those seeds are still inside you. If those seeds are inside you, then they are either buried or planted. If that seed is buried, it means it is dead and it will never come to life. But if those seeds are planted, that means in the right season, they will come to life and grow. So many seeds of prophetic words are lying dormant inside of the people of God, but they are about to come to life and start coming forth.

The fifth P is produce. John 12:24 says, “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and breaks open, it remains alone; but if it breaks open, it produces much grain” (paraphrase). Prophetic words and promises break open in the presence of God, and like seeds, they start to produce fruit. If I had a tomato plant that I wanted to produce tomatoes, and I picked it up and carried it around instead of planting it, would it produce anything? If I took that tomato plant and planted it again and then uprooted it and placed it on a shelf for a couple of weeks, is that plant going to grow or produce anything? No! That makes no sense. Seeds can only produce fruit if they stay planted. There are many seeds of promise and prophetic destiny inside of you that have not come to pass yet because you have not kept them planted in the presence of God. Our goal is not only to do whatever God has called us to do but to produce fruit from the seeds He has planted inside of us. Matthew 7:17a says, “…,Every good tree bears good fruit.” When God plants a seed in you, if you are producing fruit from that, then you are a good tree. When we produce anything from a seed God has placed inside us, it is never just for us or our personal benefit. God has called us to produce fruit because the fruit from that seed He planted inside of us has more seeds of God inside of it. Think about a natural piece of fruit. Fruit has more seeds inside of it. It is the same way with the fruit God wants us to produce from our lives; it is never just for us. What if you are called to be a worship leader, and that seed starts to really start producing fruit in your worship leading? Is that just for you to lead worship? No, it’s so that the fruit of your life is able to bless everyone around you. What if God calls you to be an entrepreneur? Is it just so you can make a six-figure or even seven-figure salary to enjoy just for yourself? No, it is so that your business can sow into the kingdom and employ 200 people and bless those families.

The sixth P is power.

Whenever the seed of God starts to produce fruit in your life, it also brings forth God’s power. Why did Shammah stand in the field of lentils in 2 Samuel 23:11? The lentils gave them power. They could eat them, sell them, or trade them for more important things. Shammah knew that because those lentil plants were producing, they also had power. When you are walking in and producing all that God has called you to, you will be walking in the power of God. You only get the power from staying planted. Why is the presence so important to the power? Because any time you step out into the natural, you will fail. We must walk in the presence of God because the presence of God make us walk in humility, and when you are humble, God will give you His power. Your identity as a son or daughter of God manifests itself in power. If you do not identify yourself as a son or daughter of God, then you will not walk in the power. When you know your true identity in God, then you will have the confidence of the One who has called you and given you His power. When you know your identity and you are confident in God’s power, you will be able to do great exploits.

Recently, God did something through me, and it absolutely blew my mind how He did it. After God used me and asked the Lord, “God, why did you use me? You could have used anyone, people with greater influence or talent than I have.” And the Lord said, “Yes, I could have, but I wanted to use you.” Whenever God plants a seed inside of you, God sees you from heaven and entrusts you with that dream of His heart. He could give it to anyone, but when God gives you a seed, He has chosen you.

The 6 P’s from seed to power are planted, presence, promises, prophetic words, produce and power. God accomplished these things in you because He has chosen you, He has planted that seed inside you because He wants give you His power for the kingdom of God.{eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the president of Burn Texarkana Revival center and House of Prayer. Pastor Dawson also serves as staff evangelist for First Assembly of God in Texarkana, Texas, where he also is now the Tribe College/young adult pastor. Burn Texarkana has one revival/awakening service a month at First Assembly and also has Burn on the Road meetings in neighboring cites monthly. There are four Burn Texarkana prayer meetings each week, He also serves on the leadership team of New Breed Revivalists Network.

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