Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

4 Ways God Shows His Love for Us

Praying hands on Bible

There are many aspects of God’s love, but four are particularly outstanding. 

When I was seeking the Lord one day about the height, depth, breadth and length of His love Paul relates to us in his letter to the Ephesians, I learned something very special about His love. Paul in this letter said we could know the height, depth, breadth and length of God’s love even though such knowledge cannot be discerned without the help of the Holy Spirit. Paul said he wanted us all to comprehend these precious dimensions of the love of Jesus.

I asked the Lord just what were the height, depth, breadth and length of His love, and the following is what I heard with my spiritual ears: “The height of My love is My grace. It is poured out upon you from above. The depth of My love is My forgiveness. My forgiveness goes deep within the recesses of your soul and cleanses and restores you. The breadth of My love is My truth. My truth is able to set you free to walk in all the fullness of My love. My truth is able to expand your mind so you can experience My boundless love. The length of My love is My mercy. My mercy extends forever and ever to every generation.”

This psalm speaks of God’s mercy. Each verse in this psalm ends with the response, “His mercy endures forever.” This psalm speaks of the wonderful works of the Lord that have demonstrated His mercy throughout history.

Whenever we go through times of stress and pressure, when we fret and worry, we need to say over and over again just as this psalm says, “His mercy endures forever.” If we will do this, the peace that passes all understanding will mount guard over our hearts and minds.

Today give thanks to the Lord because His mercy endures forever and to all generations.

Lord, forgive me for the times I have fretted over things I have no control over. Help me to always remember You are on Your throne no matter what is going on here on earth, and Your throne is a throne of mercy where I can always find grace in the time of need. (Psalm 136:1-26) 

READ: Nahum 1:1-3:19; Revelation 8:1-13; Psalm 136:1-26; Proverbs 30:7-9

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