Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Ways to Respond to Your Spiritual Season

Have you recognized your spiritual season and your opportunities to grow?

Ecclesiastes 3:1 conveys real truth for our spiritual lives as individuals, as churches, as ministries, for your business or whatever arena you find yourself in. It says, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” The Bible says plainly that life and circumstances will change and thus seasons will come and go.

For me, the last four years of my life could be perceived in many ways to many different people. Within that time I left my job, left my church in England, moved away from my family and friends and relocated to America to follow God’s call.  Many didn’t understand my decision or it’s God-given direction. 

But, as I followed the call of God, as I trusted the Lord with all my heart, He orchestrated my life. I made His will for my life the main goal, just as Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you.” In these few short years, all this change has felt seamless. I have met some wonderful people in the kingdom of God, I have some amazing friends and within six months of coming to the USA I met my wife. God is so good! 

Sometimes life seems turbulent. Things change in ways that we never expect. Life throws us all kinds of things that catch us by surprise. It’s not always easy, but the thing that shapes us is how we respond to it. God watches how we respond as we walk through life with Him. We have to get to the place like Paul outlined in Philippians 4:12 where we are happy and content regardless of the situation in which we find ourselves. 

The same is true for a ministry or church or business. You must understand where you are. You must recognize your current season. Are you planting or harvesting, or are you building or breaking things up? You must do three things:

  • Recognize your season.
  • Understand how to be effective in your season.
  • Be content in your season.

Once you do this, God will use you as an effective vessel because you are operating right where He wants you to be right at exactly the right time. He has positioned you for this season!  Remember, He will never place you in any situation where He has not set you up for victory.

At Shake the Nations Ministries, there is no doubt that we are in a season of transition as we relocate our head office to Orlando, Florida. But we are being very intentional about our upcoming crusades, making sure that everything we do will maximize the impact of the gospel. We are making certain our foundations are solid and built on prayer so that our next season will be the most fruitful of our history.

We are believing God for great things in the upcoming year. We are asking Him for abundant provision for the harvest. We are not discouraged or distracted by our transition. We know that God always does more than we could ever ask or imagine! No matter what season you find yourself in, trust God and seek Him first. You are positioned for victory.

Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire’s new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.

Nathan Marrow has worked with STN since 2007. He serves as the Executive Ministry Director. He currently oversees all STN activity and all office operations both in the U.S. and U.K. Nathan’s background is in business and finance. He provides a biblical perspective of excellence and stewardship in all aspects of the ministry. His giftings of finance and leadership are being used to empower the ministry to further its work for the kingdom of God. He travels extensively with Evangelist Nathan around the world and is the key liaison with all crusade coordinators, event leaders, and pastors for all scheduled ministry dates.

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