Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

3 Keys to Navigating the New Path When God Repositions You

Editor’s Note: This is the first part of a three-part series. Check soon for the second and third parts.

Many of God’s people have felt incredible shaking in their lives—experiencing the loss of jobs, security, homes and more. We have found our sense of security challenged as we navigate unchartered territory.

Are you being moved by God? Do you find yourself in transition? You have been searching your heart and crying out to God, wondering if you stepped away from Him. For many, God is saying that you have not stepped away from His heart; rather, He has repositioned you.

The reality is that God is actively repositioning many of His people in this season. As I was spending time with the Lord, He said, “I have heard the cry of my people asking me to have greater impact. I have been moving to reposition them, but it also does not look the way they thought it would look.” As I listened to Him, I realized some people are wondering if God has abandoned or rejected them, when, in fact, God has repositioned them.

In Daniel 1, we read about King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon coming to Jerusalem to make war. The result of the battle is that God gives King Nebuchadnezzar victory over King Jehoiakim of Judah. Not only does God give King Nebuchadnezzar the win, but He also permits him to take some of the sacred objects from the temple of God. As he returns home to Babylon, he takes the holy things from God’s temple and places them in the treasure house of his god.

Why would God allow a foreign king to invade the land and carry off the sacred objects from the temple? We know this is God’s decision because the second verse clarifies the Lord, not man, controls this battle’s outcome. But still, the question of “Why?” remains. What can we learn from this biblical passage?

3 Keys to Navigating the New Path When God Repositions You

Key No. 1: Our vision must shift to see from a heavenly perspective rather than an earthly perspective. It is the only way we can navigate this season.

Pray: Heavenly Father, give me eyes to see my life and situation from Your vantage point, so I can partner with You in what You are doing.

What are the second and third keys needed to successfully navigate the God-moves of your life? Check back on soon for the second articles in this series. Can’t wait? Hear more on this episode of Real Truth With Ruth on the Charisma Podcast Network now.{eoa}

Ruth Hendrickson is an avid unsweetened iced tea drinker who loves warm weather, palm trees and beaches. Needless to say, she believes she should live in the South. However, in the meantime, she and her husband, Mark, reside in Stockton, New Jersey.

Ruth is an ordained pastor, itinerant speaker, ministry trainer and board-certified biblical counselor who has extensive experience in the development, training and oversight of emotional healing ministry teams, recovery ministries, prophetic ministry, prayer ministries and women’s ministry. In addition, she is a course facilitator for Patricia King Institute and Charisma courses. She writes for Elijah List and Charisma and has a podcast titled Real Truth with Ruth. Through biblically based teachings and practical applications infused with love and laughter, her goal is to introduce people not only to the living God who saves but also to the God who desires an intimate relationship with each one of us. Her latest book, Everyday Prophetic, will help you find the prophetic voice that God has given you. Visit her at her website at or find her on Facebook or YouTube, and listen to her podcast Real Truth with Ruth.

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