Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

This is a message from Matt Sorger, founder of Matt Sorger Ministries, who received prophetic insight for the body of Christ at a service in Chesapeake, Va. We are presenting an abbreviated version of the second part of his message, which emphasizes God’s desire for a pure bride who has been refined and who has learned the secret of complete satisfaction and joy.

God is not looking … for gifted individuals. God is looking for pure, clean vessels that have been refined in the fire of God. … [He is] getting the bride ready. He’s getting the bride ready for His coming. He’s calling. He’s calling the bride. “Get your garments ready. Get your wedding dress ready.” … He’s coming back for a pure, spotless, clean bride.

I went into the word in Matthew 5 right before the service and I was reading the scripture in … verse eight: “Blessed (happy, enviably fortunate, spiritually prosperous, possessing the happiness produced by the experience of God’s favor, and especially conditioned by the revelation of His grace, regardless of their outward condition, regardless of what their natural circumstances are, regardless of what they have in the natural, regardless of their outward conditions) are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

The pure in heart: hearts refined as gold; hearts that have been through the fire; hearts that have been prepared by God. Verse six, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Many of our Bibles say, “for they will be filled.” [The] Amplified says, “for they shall be completely satisfied.”

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (purity, cleanness); they will live a life of complete satisfaction. Complete satisfaction. Completely satisfied on the inside.

Life Joy

It’s not about a title or a ministry, nothing that will build the pride of man up. It’s about those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. They are the ones who will live with one hundred percent complete satisfaction in their lives. They will be satisfied.

They will have a life joy in their lives. A life joy. Do you know what a life joy is? A life joy is not a temporary moment of happiness because of a good circumstance in your life. A life joy [comes] because your life has been completely filled with the righteousness of God. A deep satisfaction on the inside of you that man can’t take away, that circumstances can’t take away, and [that] certainly the devil can’t take away.

A deep righteousness on the inside. A deep life joy. A deep satisfaction. How many here want to live a life of satisfaction? That you just have that sense of being satisfied. You’re not striving. You’re not unhappy in your moment.

Listen, you’ve got to learn to enjoy your moment while you’re on the way to where you’re going. You can still have vision for the future and at the same time be completely satisfied on the inside of you. You can still have unfulfilled vision in your life and yet at the same moment live completely satisfied on the inside of you.

(This prophetic word was prepared from a transcription made by Lou Comunale of a revival service held at the Hope Center in Chesapeake, Virginia.)

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