Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophets, Get Ready for Marching Orders in 2021

Why did you go through the wind, earthquakes and fire, prophet? Was it so that you could stay there or so that you could truly discover the Lord in His still, small voice?

From one next-gen prophet to another, this message will give you your marching orders for the year 2021!

1 Kings 19 shows the Lord revealing a new era to His church. Elijah stood on the mountain where high winds tore at his clothing, and the earth threatened to turn into dust; heat blasted his whole body as fire roared around him. Yet, the Lord was not in these chaotic events. Instead, He revealed Himself as a still, small voice.

Before this event, the people of Israel had only known the Lord in His power. They knew Him through the flooding of the world, the plagues of Egypt and the fire of mount Sinai. A new side of the Lord was being revealed on this day. God was now no longer just a God of power, but He was calling His people into an intimate relationship with Him.

As a church we keep asking the Lord for more fire and power. However, when was the last time you saw fire heal someone and high winds establish a foundation? The Lord made a statement to Elijah. He said, “I am not in the power you are seeking me for … I am in the still, small voice, and if you just listened and took the time to work with me, you would have your answers.”

It is up to us, prophets, to bring God’s fresh revelation and will down to earth. If there is one thing that my apostles, Craig and Colette Toach, taught me, it is that we, as prophets, are responsible to position ourselves for the Lord so that He can position the church through us.

The fire, the wind and the earthquakes were not for the people. They were for us. The trials we faced burned away all bitterness, all the stains of sin and every flaw that would stand in the way of the people seeing Jesus. Everything shook until all that remained was Christ crucified. This had to happen so that, at the end, God could bring us to the mountain to experience His still, small voice.

The church needs that experience, intimacy and heart that longs for the Lord. There is no one more qualified than us prophets to teach them and spread this message.

Your superpower isn’t in calling fire down from heaven. Even the prophets of Baal were asking their god to do that. No! Your power is in bringing the church back into a relationship with Jesus and teaching them to know Him as you know Him.

Don’t be afraid to be brash! Don’t be afraid to knock down some doors! Don’t be afraid to get into people’s ears because that is what the Lord created you for. He created you to rock the boat. The church will continue to experience a shaking like they did in 2020, but only a relationship with Jesus and a daily experience of Him will stabilize you.

Now is a time to build, establish, create and see growth in the church! It is up to you, prophet, to speak God’s will into the earth and establish His plans for the year to come. By the end of 2021, you will look back and see the work of your hands multiply and come into fruition.

I echo apostle Colette Toach’s words from this podcast: “Stop asking to be positioned! You already are. You may not like it, but the Lord went through a lot of effort to place you where you were most needed! So, stop looking around trying to see where else you could be. Rather, start getting quiet so that you can hear the Lord’s voice and start building where you are today.”

Now, get connected. Subscribe to the Next Gen Prophets podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network to get your weekly direction and prophetic mentorship with apostles Craig and Colette Toach!

Then, get your free e-book called I’m not Crazy I’m a Prophet, by heading to

You were groomed for this, prophet, and you were anointed for it. Simply walk out the grace and calling that the Lord has given you. Put your hand to the plow and prepare the church for the Lord’s will in 2021! {eoa}

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