Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Job 8:1-11:20 Job in this passage cries out for a daysman to stand between him and God. He was crying out for a mediator between God and himself. Job did not know that God’s plan from the beginning of the earth was to provide such a daysman. Jesus Christ, who would be our intercessor and our redeemer, is now our daysman or mediator who stands on our behalf before God. Later as we read the Book of Job, we see how God revealed His plan to Job, and Job finally knew he had a redeemer—one who could buy back everything he had lost, one who could redeem his very own soul from destruction.

We are all familiar with Handel’s Messiah and the part that declares, “I know that my redeemer liveth, and He will stand in the latter day.” This is based on what Job finally knew in the Spirit. Job knew one day he would stand before God justified and made righteous because of his faith in this redeemer. Job also believed in the resurrection because he says later that his flesh would see God.

Job knew Jesus by the revelation of the Holy Spirit even as David knew Him. Even though Jesus had not been born as a babe in Bethlehem, He was seated next to the Father making intercession for Job and for David. Jesus was with God in the beginning of Creation, and by and through Jesus was everything made. He is the living Word who flung the universe into being, and later He was the Word made flesh.

Thank God we can know our redeemer personally. We have an advantage over David and Job. We can read about our redeemer’s life on earth, the people He touched, the conversations He had with the Father and others, the experience He had on the cross, and His death, burial, resurrection and ascension to His former place—the right hand of the Father.

Join me as I praise Jesus, my redeemer, my daysman, who enables me to stand before the Father because of His righteousness. The Father through the Son has redeemed me from a life of darkness in sin and has translated me into His kingdom of light, which is filled with His righteousness, peace and joy. I can say with Job, “I know my redeemer lives, and one day my flesh will see Him face to face.” What a day it will be when I see my daysman face to face. Hallelujah!!

READ: Job 8:1-11:20; 1 Corinthians 15:1-28; Psalm 38:1-22; Proverbs 21:28-29

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