Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

WATCH: Amazing Revelation on Prayer and Revival From the Life of David Brainerd

Eddie Hyatt

I sensed a touch of heaven on this 13-minute presentation I recently did about David Brainerd, who saw great revival among Native Americans in the early 1700s. Although he died at the tender age of 29, his journal inspired an entire generation to a deeper devotion to Jesus Christ and His kingdom.

Jonathan Edwards was deeply impacted by Brainerd’s life and John Wesley declared, “Every Methodist preacher should read the life of David Brainerd.” Early missionaries, such as William Carey and Adonirum Judson, credited their inspiration to reading Brainerd’s journal.

This generation needs to rediscover the devotion and commitment that led and inspired him and produced an incredible work of the Holy Spirit among the Native Americans of New Jersey and New England.

Watch the video here: 

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