Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Time to Pray for God’s Merciful Judgment on America

Madonna sports a crown of thorns in a recent performance.
  • David was “a man after God’s own heart” (1 Sam. 13:14). Read in Psalms 35, 55, 58, 59, 69, 109 and 139 how this giant of the faith prayed for and proclaimed God’s judgment in his day. He did not pray for carnal revenge but to highlight God’s abhorrence of evil and ongoing sin.

  • Jeremiah struggled with deep inner turmoil concerning the judgment he proclaimed. This came from anguish of spirit and deep identification with what God was feeling as His heart broke over people’s persistent sin. He said, “I am pained in my very heart” (Jer. 4:19) as he called for justice and judgment. Like Jesus who wept over the sinful state of the Jews, Jeremiah was not gleeful or gloating when he prayed for and pronounced judgment. He was overwhelmed and in tears (Jer. 4:19-22). God even directed him to stop praying for the people because of the depth of their wickedness (Jer. 7:16; 11:14; 14:11)! Child killing. Homosexuality. Apostasy. Idolatry. Blasphemy. Lawlessness. Sound familiar?

  • Paul, in his masterpiece to the Romans, quoted David’s judgments in Psalm 69:22-23. In proclaiming judgment upon the Jews, his words are sobering, disturbing and straight from the heart of God.

Let’s stop kidding ourselves; apart from divine intervention in holy judgment, America will simply slide deeper down the spiral of sin and destruction. We are deceived if we buy into the misguided approach of many who believe there will eventually come some kind of backlash to all our wickedness, corruption and brazen immorality.

Some believe that people, like a rubber-band, will return to God if we just remain patient and pray long enough. I don’t think so, and I am a four-decade board member of a ministry promoting prayer and fasting for America for over 40 years!

It’s time to examine our lives in light of God’s holiness and turn from our wicked ways as 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us. I am persuaded that it is also time to add another dimension to our petitions. Rejecting any self-righteousness, praying with a humble heart and passionate to see a massive harvest of people who get right with God, having experienced His judgment in their lives, are you ready to pray like David did in Psalm 28:4-5? The passages reads: “Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavors; give them according to the work of their hands; return to them what they deserve. Because they do not regard the works of the Lord, nor the work of His hands, He will destroy them and not build them up.”

It’s time for us to appeal to heaven for God to take a stand and show himself strong. The “bowls of incense, which are the prayers of the saints” (Rev. 5:8) will overflow in the judgments described in chapter 8. These are terrifying and intended to cleanse the earth of sin and bring those remaining back to the living God! It is the “great and dreadful day of the Lord” described in Joel 2:31 and Mal. 4:5. These times will be both gory and glory!  

God’s judgments are intended to bring people to repentance so they can be blessed and live in union with Him as a bride with her bridegroom. God’s zeal is designed to purge the earth of all rebellion. Will we rise to the occasion and embrace a call to pray some gutsy, muscular prayers for both justice and the necessary judgments to bring this to pass? We don’t have a lot of time left.

Prayer for Justice

“Lord, You decreed, ‘He has shown you O man, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you? To do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God’ (Mic.6:8). We pray that You hear our plea for justice. May our hearts align with Yours and break with those things that break Your heart. As Your ambassadors may we look out for those that are in legitimate need—the weak, neglected and less fortunate. As Christians, help us to live authentically and make a difference as change agents for Your glory and the establishment of Your Kingdom. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Prayer for Judgment

“Lord, you decreed, ‘Righteousness exults a nation but sin is a reproach to any people’ (Prov. 14:34). Like Moses, Nehemiah, Daniel and Paul, we identify with sins committed brazenly and increasingly throughout this land. May our hearts grieve with Yours at our serious, sinful state. We have departed from Your liberating Word and removed You from Your rightful place as the One, true and living God in whom we are to trust. Repeatedly ignoring Your warnings sent through Your servants and shamefully yielding to the fear of man instead of speaking up for righteousness, we humbly ask that You release Your necessary judgments that they may awaken us from our ongoing rebellion and deception. ‘Lord, we have heard of Your fame. We stand in awe of Your deeds. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in Your wrath remember mercy’ (Hab. 3:2). If this is Your will and Your time as we believe, help us to emerge as a holy people of whom it is said, ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord’ (Ps. 33:12).”

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