Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Numbers 4:1-5:31 As I read this scripture I saw something I missed in my former readings over the years. All the treasures and holy things that were used in the service of the Lord were covered first with a blue or purple cloth, and then were covered with badgers’ skin. The covering had to be placed upon the instruments of sacrifice and worship before they could be taken to another location. This action of covering is symbolic of how important covering is in our lives. We are living sacrifices, and our act of worship is to daily offer our bodies to the Lord as instruments of His righteousness, peace, love and joy.

The blue or purple cloth that first was wrapped around the holy things in the tabernacle represents God’s setting us apart as a holy thing before Him. Many call this process sanctification. The word prefix sanct- means “saint,” and the suffix -ification means “being made.” We are being made saints as we live our lives out on earth. The covering of the badgers’ skin represents the shedding of blood that gives us remission of sins and places us in a position of authority. Leviticus tells us without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Before the holy things in the tabernacle could be moved to another location, they had to be covered with both the blue or purple cloth and the badgers’ skin.

Daily we are set apart as instruments for the Lord’s service. Before we move from our quiet place to go outside our home into the world, it is important that we too are covered with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus. We are God’s treasures, and we are His holy instruments of service. In the morning I try to pray the following prayer that places me under His anointing and the covering of His blood:

Lord, I lift my body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit up to You. Use me as an instrument of Your peace, love and joy. I offer the members of my body as instruments of righteousness today. I cover my family members and myself today with the blood of Jesus. Thank You for the blood of Jesus that sanctifies me, forgives me, cleanses me, heals me and justifies me. Amen.

I did not realize until this morning as I read this passage in Numbers that for years through praying this prayer I have been preparing myself and my family members to be taken to wherever God wants to use us. This may be the reason two of our children have been sent to distant lands to be used as instruments of service in those lands.

READ: Numbers 4:1-5:31; Mark 12:18-37; Psalm 48:1-14; Proverbs 10:26

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