Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind. —Job 38:1

We could not live without fire, wind, or water. When a cyclone comes, men and women turn pale. When God’s cyclone through the Holy Ghost strikes the people, it is a great leveler. They lose sight of their money bags. All hatred and ill-will are swept away as a cyclone carries all before it. When a tidal wave strikes a city, it submerges everything. So, in a tidal wave of the Holy Ghost, everything goes under. Oh, we want a cyclone of God’s power to sweep out of our lives everything that cumbers us, and a tidal wave to submerge us in God.

God uses these great elements—fire, wind and water—in all their force to give us an idea of the mighty power of the Holy Ghost. Our bodies are His temples and, as great pieces of mechanism are moved by electricity, so our bodies, the most wonderful piece of mechanism ever known, are moved by the power of the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. He filled the one and twenty on the day of Pentecost with power to witness for Jesus. At the hands of the apostles, God healed the sick, and He heals today by the same power that was on the apostles. God pours out rivers of living waters. What manner of people ought we to be? People living in the cyclone of God’s Spirit!

Wind of God, blow in and through my life,
moving me in only those directions
You would have me go. Amen.

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