Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Contagious Power of Prayer: Are You Ready to Abandon Meaningless Routine?

For far too long, the world has seen what we can do. It is time for the world to see what God can do.

The power of prayer is contagious. We need a pandemic outbreak of the power of prayer personally, nationally and globally.

I believe that every Bible-believing Christian church, denomination, college and ministry, as well as every Christian’s religious liberty stands on the shoulders of prayer for America. Furthermore, I believe prayer based upon Holy Scripture is the only thing that can bring our nation together and forward the Christian gospel and movement exponentially.

Yes, I believe in the power of prayer.

Congressman Steve Scalise on the Power of Prayer

On Thursday, Sept. 28, the Majority Whip of the House of Representatives, Congressman Steve Scalise, returned to Capitol Hill. This was his first return since June 14, when he and some of his friends were gunned down at a baseball practice.

He stated, “I’m definitely a living example that miracles really do happen.” His colleagues welcomed him back to the floor of the House this past week. In his remarks to the House, he shared, “It starts with God,” and that while on the ballfield and could not move, “I just started praying.” Friends, this is a man who knew before going into this surprising challenge in his life, and now knows more than ever, following God is about the power of prayer.

The Power of Prayer Cannot Be Refuted 

There is not one American, one skeptic, one cynic, or one atheist or even one backslidden, carnal, professing follower of Christ who can refute the power of prayer to Congressman Scalise. Can anyone refute the power of prayer to those who cried out to God in the recent hurricanes when their lives were at stake and death was looming? Absolutely not! Try refuting the power of prayer to people like my wife, who was diagnosed with cancer in 1990, and experienced the healing power of God. It would be impossible!

For those who have seen God walk into their lives and intervene in a way that only He could, it would be impossible to refute that God answers prayer and that prayer is powerful.

The Churches of America Need to Recapture a Deep Belief in the Power of Prayer

There has never been a time in our generation more than now where the churches in America need to recapture a deep belief in the power of prayer. We are living in desperate days. The need is urgent.

The prayerlessness that fills worship services across America needs to be replaced with passionate, convictional prayers offered with the people of God. When a church believes in the power of prayer, the church prays. When you believe in the power of prayer, you pray.

Offering meaningless, repetitive, routine prayers in church worship needs to cease. Either we believe in the power of prayer or we do not.

There should be no place on this earth that the power of prayer is not just believed, but practiced in our presence more than the church. We should embody the fervency and fire when we believe in the power of prayer.

The Power of Prayer Shows What God Can Do

The power of personal testimony is imperative for the world to learn about the power of prayer. I have heard people from all walks of life, from all kinds of vocations, of all ages, talk about the power of prayer. It lifts me. It encourages me. It gives me hope!

I say it again: For far too long, the world has seen what we can do. It is time for the world to see what God can do.

When the power of prayer returns to our own life, it will return to the church. When the power of prayer returns to the church, it will return to our own life. These are dependent upon each other. These dynamic experiences will lead to the power of prayer returning to our nation and across the world.

The power of prayer is contagious. We need a pandemic outbreak of the power of prayer personally, nationally and globally.

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