Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? —Matthew 24:45

God is getting His children ready to sing at the marriage supper of the Lamb. They sing a song no one can sing except the redeemed. The Spirit has shown me that the coming of the Lord is very near, and I know it now more than ever. God baptized me over twenty-five years ago with a wonderful baptism, but I am more hungry today than I ever was. Let us go on from one degree to another. Blessed is the servant who, when his master comes, is found at his post, giving to the household their portion of meat in due season. This is your opportunity, your day of God’s visitation. “The bride hath made herself ready.” You cannot go to the tailor and order your suit to go to the banquet. You have to make it yourself. The bride hath made herself ready and it is going to be the most wonderful wedding garment you ever heard of.

It takes skill to weave the garment of pure linen and to embroider the “fine wrought linen work.” When she is ready, He will greatly admire her. There will be a great company of guests in the banquet hall. But some of us are not ready. We haven’t made our garments. The time has come to get ready. Oh, it means something to dress for the marriage supper of the Lamb. When there is a banquet in honor of the king’s son or daughter, it is a great occasion and the musicians are trained for it long before. Now this banquet that is going to take place in the skies, this marriage supper of the Lamb, will be the greatest wedding that was ever known.

Lord, I am alert, waiting, and prepared for
Your coming. I long to sit at Your banquet
table at the wedding feast You
have prepared. Amen.

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