Prophetic Dream: Take This Action If You Feel Like You’ve Missed Your Blessing

My wife, Lindsay, has recently been having prophetic dreams. One of her most recent dreams was a little more unusual, as God showed her through events in this dream that He is wanting Christians to trust in the cross … Trust in what Christ did for them on the cross.

Usually in Lindsay’s dreams, the Lord reveals a message to her through a series of billboards like you might see along a highway. But this dream started with the Lord saying, “Come play this game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey with Me.” Lindsay’s first thought was this is very strange!

The Lord said to her again, Come and play this gameand He added“and invite others to play also.” In obedience to the Lord, Lindsay replied, “Okay,” and started inviting other people to play too.

As they were beginning to play Pin the Tail on the Donkey, she looked up and noticed the image of the donkey had changed … it was now the image of a lamb … a spotless lamb. As she looked at the lamb, she remembered that the Bible says in Revelation 13:8 that, “Jesus is the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the earth… who takes away the sins of the world” (1 John 2:2).

Then, the Lord said, “Look what’s in your hand.” She looked down and the pin with the little tail in her hand had become a beautiful cross and everyone with her had one too. Then she noticed that they all had a pen to use to write on the cross.

The Lord said, “I want you to look at the cross. I want you to trust what happened at the cross. Now, write down your needs, your hopes, your dreams … everything for 2022 … everything that’s ever been a disappointment to you and everything that you’ve been standing for in faith. Write it down and put it on the cross.”

Now let me stop here and remind you what Jesus did at the cross. He took our sin and our shame for our salvation. He took 39 stripes on His back for our healing (Isa. 53:5). He paid the ultimate price so that you and I could have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

Perhaps you are one for whom last year did not turn out as you had hoped. I think we all thought the pandemic would surely be behind us going into 2022 … maybe you lost a loved one to the virus or suffered a job loss because of it… or some other tragedy struck you or your family when you least expected it. Maybe you were expecting something big to happen in 2021 that didn’t happen. Put it on the cross.

God knows your hurts and disappointments, your missed opportunities. He also knows your hopes and your dreams. Put it on the cross.

Those in Lindsay’s dream who were excited and believed what the Lord was telling them began to move toward the billboard with their crosses and pens. Others just walked away in disobedience, missing out on what the Lord wanted to do for them.

Suddenly, the Lamb became the countenance of Jesus. His hands were outstretched like He was receiving the prayer requests and the atmosphere changed. Everyone began to rejoice and worship the Lord in expectation as they placed their prayer requests into His outstretched hands. Lindsay said, “It was like a revival … “joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Pet. 1:8).

The moment we placed our crosses with our hopes, dreams, visions for the future and disappointments in Jesus’ hands, we released it out of ours. It was like God was saying, You have to give it to Me.” “Then miracles began to happen all around me. It was as if the heavenlies had come down and the presence of God came down around us.” They all realized once again that Jesus is sufficient and He is able … “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9).

Now I want to remind you that Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished.” He was saying, “It’s done — once and for all.” Jesus paid the ultimate price, shedding His blood as the Perfect and Spotless Sacrifice — for salvation, for healing, for provision — for every need in your body, mind and spirit … “For God’s will was for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time… a single sacrifice for sins. For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy.” (See Hebrews 10:1-18, NLT.)

I encourage you today, whatever your need is, do as the Lord showed Lindsay did in her dream … put it on the cross. Surrender everything into Jesus’ capable hands, release your faith and believe that His saving, healing and delivering power is sufficient to meet those needs in your life. {eoa}

Richard Roberts, D. Min., is chief executive officer of Oral Roberts Ministries and co-hosts with his wife, Lindsay, a daily inspirational TV program, The Place for Miracles. Dr. Roberts is also the founder of the Richard Roberts School of Miracles, hosting thousands of online students from more than 140 countries. Richard conducts healing meetings throughout America, as well as ministers to and teaches pastors in underdeveloped countries the fundamental principles of healing, seed-faith and the Holy Spirit so they may do the greater works of Jesus in their regions of the world. For more Spirit-filled content like this, subscribe to “Expect a Miracle” with Richard Roberts on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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