Praying With Prophetic Power

Declaring God’s Favor

When the Lord was ready to move our family to Dallas, we put our house up for sale. Houses, however, were not selling very well where we lived.

We had prayed and done everything the real estate lady told us to do. But after eight months on the market, the house had not sold.

Wanda, a spiritual daughter of ours, was living with us at the time. Knowing the power of proclamation, Wanda started walking the boundaries of our yard each day, praying, “In the name of Jesus, I release the favor of God on this house. I command all blinders to come off the eyes of those people needing this house. Eyes, see this house. House, you are sold in Jesus’ name.”

Within a couple of weeks, the house was sold. Wanda had uttered a command, a prophetic proclamation.

In 2 Timothy, Paul wrote, “The Lord stood with me, and strengthened me, in order that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished, and that all the Gentiles might hear; and I was delivered out of the lion’s mouth” (4:17).

When intercessors are given the right word to speak at the proper time, there will be great victory and spiritual breakthroughs. There will be deliverance for God’s people, for cities and for nations. God will provide strength to intercessors, so they can do the will of the Lord.

Jesus will make known to you the intentions of His Father. Let Him strengthen you so that the prophetic proclamation of His Word can go forth from your mouth without compromise and establish His will on the Earth.

Read a companion devotional.

Barbara Wentroble is the founder of International Breakthrough Ministries.

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