Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The circumstances you face with a child when it comes to autism, Asperger’s or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can literally shake the core of your very being. What do I mean by that? Well, when your day-to-day life paints a picture of constant trials and challenges, it has the potential to remove your confidence and assurance that the promises of God will actually come to pass.

It is critical in any battle you fight that you get what is rightfully yours. With autism, Asperger’s and OCD, it is spiritual warfare. You are fighting to get the divine inheritance God has given, for you and your child to be healed in Jesus’ name, healed from all suffering, sorrow, pain and torment. The Bible is clear—all God’s promises are yea and amen!

First Thessalonians 5:16 calls us to “Rejoice always.” God will bring His righteous anger against the unrighteousness anger of the enemy. I was once taught by a preacher to “pray without ceasing,” which helped me, because conditions like these can and will remove your joy along with the ability to feel like you have any control.

I encourage you to also pray without ceasing. If you are baptized in the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues, then keep speaking in tongues over your child. As you do, you will begin to see phenomenal changes. If you do not speak in tongues, then pray without ceasing in your own language.

Using your tongue as a God-given weapon to pray has the potential to release the approval of the healing you’re requiring from the kingdom of heaven. In 1 Samuel 1, Hannah longed to have a child, and in her season of waiting, she prayed unceasingly. No one could hear her, as only her lips and tongue moved. After some time, she had a son. God “actioned” the words of some of the powerful prophets in the Old Testament. With Elijah, God put into action the words he prayed and brought rain. Now if those old-time prophets could do it, why can’t you do this for your life?

I pray you are encouraged by another testimony I received. Hang on to this, but more importantly, hang on to Scriptures like this one: “The words that I speak to you are spirit and are life” (John 6:63b). The Word of God is second to none. Here is one mother’s powerful testimony:

“This is our first time as mother and child reading a book together. As per the instruction from Pastor Reg’s podcast, I’ve begun fasting 2 1/2 days, placing my hands on my son’s shoulders saying ‘Shalom’ and praying for one hour or so. I read the free download of his book called Fast and Pray. I also played Pastor Reg’s prayers on his private Facebook group aloud while I reached my hands toward Max and prayed in agreement. I can sense my faith is rising in levels it hasn’t in years! I included a video (on the private Facebook group) to show God’s faithfulness. It is a beautiful reminder to other parents like myself. … He does see our tears, He does see our suffering, He does see our hunger to see our children’s complete healing! He will bring it to pass no matter the opposition. Praise and glory to God! Pastor Reg, we are truly grateful for what you do. Thank you for your teachings, and your willingness to go above and beyond and allowing the Lord to work through you.

“The background info: This is my 5-year-old nonverbal son, Max. He was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. Although he started speech therapy at 2 years of age, NO ONE has been able to sit and read an ENTIRE book with Max. Not his teachers, therapists or anyone else. Max usually rocks, flaps his arms, withdraws to a corner and does not like to be close to others. In the past, he got upset, bruised himself and bit his lips until they were bleeding because he didn’t want to sit next to others. Before today, he couldn’t hold a book, point to words, turn the page or listen to an entire book being read aloud. In the video, you will see he doesn’t flap his arms, rock or get upset. Instead, he clapped after we finished and even REPEATED after I asked him to say ‘Yay’ at the end! Hallelujah! There is so much joy in my heart. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.”

This wonderful mother describes the powerful healing source of Jesus Christ. My heartfelt prayer is for you not to give up or surrender to the circumstances. Winston Churchill spoke at a graduation ceremony at his alma mater, Harrow School, on Oct. 29, 1941. The whole of Europe had fallen into the hands of Hitler, but the United Kingdom, under Churchill, had not. God’s appointment and God’s anointing were on his life.

Churchill’s speech was short but stirring. Included in it were these words: “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

His words impacted that particular year of students so much that they went on to do great things. Like Churchill, I lead the charge, stand with you and say in Jesus’ name your child can be healed of autism, Asperger’s or obsessive-compulsive disorder. I am a walking, talking textbook. I have seen the creative powerful healing that God has done in my life. Because of what Jesus Christ did at the cross of Calvary and by the healing power of His blood, your child can be healed too.

Don’t give up on what God is doing in your life and the life of your child. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (I Thess. 5:18, ESV).

You may not feel like giving thanks, especially if your circumstances make you feel like you’re in stagnant waters and nothing is changing. I assure you that behind the scenes, God is still moving very powerfully in your life just like He did for me and just like He has for young Max.

God loves your child, and regardless of what is happening, give Him thanks in all circumstances. First Thessalonians 5:19 says, “Do not quench the Spirit,” who is the Holy Spirit. He is with your child, so raise your hands every night, place them on their shoulders and ask the Spirit to operate powerfully over their life, pray for a powerful blessing, and you will start to see changes take place just as the mother with the testimony did. “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it” (v. 24).

Any parent who would like me to pray for their child is most welcome to join my private Facebook group called “Breaking the Spirit of Autism,” where you can post a photo of your child and I will start to pray for them. After joining the group, kindly let us know when you start to see changes taking place so we can testify to God’s miraculous healing power, and others may be encouraged. In addition, check out my Autism Overturned podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network to hear strategies given by the Holy Spirit.

Reg Morais is the senior pastor of Living Faith Community Church, launched from Anoint the World Ministries. Each week, he runs seven services, reaching a global audience through social media platforms. Learn more about his ministry at

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