Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch. —Acts 5:12

This was the greatest revival given in the New Testament—greater in many ways than Pentecost. Then they were all with one accord and in place while awaiting the outpouring of the Spirit. You get there, and God will shake the country.

Signs and wonders were wrought and of the rest dare no man join himself unto them. They were so full of fire no person dared say falsely, “I am one of you.” They were afraid God would strike them dead.

God wants to get a people so full of His power that others full of wildfire will say, “God fill me with the real power.”

What was the result of Pentecost? Believers were added to the church? No, they were added to the Lord, both men and women. Some say that this excitement and fanaticism is good enough for women, but there was also a multitude of strong-minded men there.

They brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches so that Peter’s shadow might overshadow some of them. See what a cranky set they were! I wish we were just like that. Excitement rose higher and higher. The whole country was stirred. There came multitudes from the city of Jerusalem, bringing the sick, and they were healed. Why? Because they came seeking God and not man. A wonderful revival, was it not!

Lord, send Your revival to the
church and to me. Amen.

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