Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it. —Luke 11:29

Jesus is coming soon and we are concerned about the signs. The Lord told them how they should know. He gave them signs, and said that when you see certain things come to pass, prepare to flee to the mountains and make ready to escape. And then other signs, and finally a certain sign—when you see this sign, if you have not made all preparations for flight, if you are on the house top and have left anything in the house, don’t take it, but flee to the mountains, because the gates will be closed and you will be shut in. They believed what God said. They took His word by faith. They believed the word and felt the responsibility.

They loved their people and they knew that unless they accepted Jesus Christ they would not escape. They were sighing and crying for their own people and their neighbors according to the flesh, and crying on account of the evil things coming, yet they were shut in with God. They had the mark of God upon them. When you see the things that are making the world turn pale and tremble, lift up your head and rejoice, because it will soon be over. So the saints of God see these things and sigh and cry. Yet they rejoice, because they know they are saved.

Lord, with the signs of Your return all around
me, fill me with a zeal for winning
the lost to You. Amen.

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