Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Psalm 49:1-20 Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their dwelling places to all generations” (Ps. 49:11, KJV). It is the nature of man to feel he will never die. That inward thought says, “You’ll never die.”

The phrase “you shall not die” was first used by Satan in the garden to deceive Eve, and he has been using that phrase ever since to deceive us. If Satan can get us to swallow that lie, we will always think there will be a tomorrow, and we will live our lives accordingly. We will be subject to procrastination and to apathy about where we will spend eternity.

I learned when I almost lost my life how God wants us to see our days. There is a psalm that says, “Teach us to number our days that we might apply our hearts unto wisdom.” I almost hemorrhaged to death, and in that moment when I felt my spirit leave my body, I knew that if God did not intervene I would die. God did intervene, and I lived. After this experience with near death I learned a great lesson. God not only wants us to number our days, He desires also that we live in the moment because this is all we have. So many in this life play the “when, then game.” They think that when they retire or when they get a new job, then they will be able to do certain things. Many look forward to the Lord releasing them into ministry when in reality the only ministry they have is now. Faith can only operate in the now. Our ministry is in the moment. Moment by moment we need to be led by the Spirit, and whomever we are facing or whatever we are facing in each moment is our ministry.

I remember hearing a dynamic speaker when I lived in Savannah, Georgia. After her talk, several ladies went forward to be prayed for by the speaker. I heard one lady ask the speaker, “What do you think my ministry is?” The speaker was very wise in her response. She said, “Are you a housewife and do you have children?” The lady replied, “Yes.” Then the speaker said, “Your ministry is faith and forgiveness-.-.-.-hand and minister to those around you. Your ministry is loving your husband and your children, and your call for the day may be as simple as baking cookies for your children.” Don’t miss the ministry of the moment.

Forgive me, Lord, for missing out on the many opportunities You give me each day to share Your love and good news with others. So often I’m so busy thinking ahead that I forget what is right before me. Help me to be sensitive to the needs of my own family, and help me to listen for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. I do not want to miss out on any divine appointments You may have for me today. Amen.

READ: Numbers 6:1-7:89; Mark 12:38-13:13; Psalm 49:1-20; Proverbs 10:27-28

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