Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Isaiah 25:1-28:13 I will praise Your name, for You have done wonderful things,” Isaiah writes. Praise and worship always exalt the Lord. When we praise the Lord, we exalt Him as we speak of the wonderful things He has done. Such praise will naturally lead us into worship, where our focus shifts from what God has done to who God is. This reading in Isaiah is a beautiful blend of worship and praise. Listen as Isaiah declares the many wondrous works the Lord has done. Listen to a few of them:

1. He defeats the enemy and defends the righteous.

2. He swallows up death in victory.

3. He wipes away our tears.

4. He takes the veil off the eyes of His chosen.

5. He brings down the pride of our enemies.

6. He keeps us in perfect peace as we keep our minds on Him.

7. He ordains peace and His works through us.

8. He causes Israel to blossom and bud and to fill the face of the world with fruit.

9. He gathers the outcasts of Israel.

A person’s actions always reveal his character. The works we do on earth that will stand the test of time and will not be burned on judgment day are those works that stem from abiding in the Vine, Jesus Christ, and showing forth the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). All the works done outside of the Spirit will be burned. As we look at the characteristics of God and the marvelous works that result from these characteristics, let’s turn our hearts to worship:

1. He is mighty, strong and our advocate because He defends the righteous and defeats the enemy.

2. He is our redeemer because He has swallowed up death in victory.

3. He is our comforter because He wipes our tears away.

4. He is all truth because He reveals who He is.

5. He is meek and temperate because only He can bring down pride.

6. He is faithful and longsuffering because He keeps us at peace through trials.

7. He is creator because He ordained and created works for us to do.

8. He is the vine because only as we abide in Him can we blossom and bear fruit.

9. He is love because He draws us to Himself with His bands of love.

Today praise Him for what He does and worship Him for who He is.

READ: Isaiah 25:1-28:13; Galatians 3:8-22; Psalm 61:1-8; Proverbs 23:17-18

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