Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained. —Acts 17:31

Judgment is coming. Destruction is coming. The city will be taken. They were laughed at as fools, fanatics, and enemies. They would not listen. But the saints knew that when the destruction came, the city would be taken and their business would be no good. The enemy would take everything, their houses and lands would amount to nothing. The only thing they could do was to use their money to warn the people that destruction was coming. So their money and their gold and silver and their land would not do any good. Neither will it do you any good. God help you to see it.

Blow the trumpet in Zion, sound the alarm. Jerusalem will be taken. Tribulation is coming. The day of the Lord is near; it hasteth greatly. It is even at the door. Warn the people that they must have the seal of God on their foreheads. So we are going around getting the people saved, giving the word in the Holy Ghost that they may be sealed with the finger and mark of God in the forehead. They had to have the mark of God in their forehead to understand those things. Go through the streets of the city—note those who sigh and cry and put the mark on them—that is what God is doing today. Glory to God.

Lord Jesus, mark me as Your own and use
me to sound forth the alarm of
Your coming. Amen.

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