Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Luke 11:14-36 One of the favorite expressions in our family is, “Well, nobody is perfect.” We all make mistakes, and I am so ever grateful for our Lord Jesus Christ, who is our redeemer. He is able to take our messes and make something worthwhile out of them. As I was reading this morning about another ministry Jesus had, I recalled an incident I experienced in India.

India is a land filled with demons, and some people have physical manifestations in their body caused by the work of demons. Our pastor, his wife and we were in India ministering to the sick, unsaved and demon-possessed. Often the same people whom we ministered to would be in the line each night because they just wanted another touch from God. On one night I especially remember praying for a mother who carried a four-year-old boy in her arms. The boy was lame. On that same night another mother of a boy of four presented her son for prayer, and he was dumb and deaf. I prayed for them both. Nothing happened that night. On the next night the same mothers with their four-year-old sons were in line to be prayed for again, and I got them mixed up. I prayed for the dumb boy to walk, and I prayed for the lame boy to talk. It was not until we were in the taxi on the way back to the hotel that I realized my mistake. I prayed, “Lord, You’ll have to redeem my mistake.” He did!! The following night the mother of the dumb and deaf boy said her son spoke his first word. God saw my mistake, but He heard my heart and prayer, and He delivered the dumb boy.

Today’s reading in Luke tells us that dumb people spoke when Jesus cast out demons. Of course not everyone who is hearing impaired has a demon, but there is such a thing as a dumb and deaf spirit that can affect our speech. The good news is that Jesus has all power and authority over the power of the enemy, and He also has given us that same authority in His name. When Jesus cast out the demon in this passage, some accused Him of having a devil Himself. His response was that He cast out demons with the finger of God, which revealed the kingdom of God had come. Jesus was and is that kingdom. Jesus came to set the captives free, and it is exciting to know we have that same power to liberate people. It truly is God who gives us such power. This should challenge us all to pray for people who are bound by demons. We can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength, and this includes liberating people from demon harassment and possession. What a privilege to see people set free.

Lord, help me to operate in all the fullness of Your power. Your desire is to set people free from any influence of the enemy. Use me to set the captives free.

READ: Deuteronomy 28:1-68; Luke 11:14-36; Psalm 77:1-20; Proverbs 12:18

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