Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

These Prayers Move Heaven and Earth

My friend, do you need a spiritual power infusion today?

God has been moving radically in churches across Tennessee, and the thundering revival we are experiencing here is fueled by prayer. Here at Dwelling Place, we are actively engaged in aggressive prayer—unceasing prayer with dedicated prayer meetings multiple days per week, activating our intercessors and combining fasting with prayer. God is moving because our people are praying.

I believe He wants to do the same for you. Just as we are seeing the Lord move in household salvations, healings, financial breakthroughs, deliverances and more, God can and will do the same for you if you will pray.

Many people tell us that they don’t know how to pray, and I understand that. So, I wanted to help you today by providing a sample prayer showing the way I am leading my congregation to pray here in the Tennessee Revival.

If you’re at a loss for how to begin praying with power—how to begin praying prayers that move heaven and shake the earth—then the prayer below will help you get started. Use it as a framework, but let the Spirit of the Lord lead you to pray His words back to Him as He flows through your spirit.

Are you ready? Pray this prayer and declaration over yourself and your house today:

Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name. We bless Your name, Jesus. We honor You. We lift You up, Lord. You are worthy of all the glory and the honor.

Lord, thank You for miracles. Thank You for healing. Thank You, Lord, for opening doors for me. Thank You for making a way where there was no way. Thank You for increase. Thank You for Your fresh outpouring on me today; for Your fresh anointing; for the fresh manifestation of Your presence. Thank You, Lord, that what the enemy meant for bad, You have turned around for my good.

Hallelujah! I magnify Your name, Lord. I join my praises with those of the angels and with the great cloud of witnesses right now, Lord, and we exalt Your name together. There’s nobody like You, Lord.

Lord, Your presence is heaven in this room. You have a plan; You have a purpose; You have a design.

Lord, right now in my life, I choose to receive. I open up my heart, mind and soul to receive Your word. You never disappoint; never. You never let us down. You are the same yesterday, today and forever—and You promise to be the same forever. Thank You, Lord.

Father, thank You that there is healing in this room where I am right now, for You are here. There’s encouragement in this room. There are open doors in this room, and it’s all available to me right now by Your Spirit.

Thank You, God, that You move on the wings of my worship and praise.

Your prophetic Spirit and Word are in the room with me and in my heart right now. Your declared Word is right here with me and in me today, Lord, and I thank You. Sweet Holy Spirit, precious Lord, do everything in me today that You want to do, in Jesus’ name.

Father, in Jesus’ name, I unify and come together in one accord with Your Spirit, Your Word and Your body, and I agree and declare with them in one accord You are all-powerful, all-knowing and You’re present everywhere. I confess and agree with Your Spirit that anything is possible right now. Anything is possible for me today, for I am with You and You are in me.

Lord, I choose to go to the next level in my prayer and in worship today.

I agree with Your Word that no weapon formed against me or my family shall be able to prosper, and any tongue that should try to bring us down shall prove to be in the wrong.

Lord, Your presence is in me. Your Spirit is in me. You have manifested Yourself in this room where I am, right now. And Lord, I boldly confess and declare that:

No accusation shall stand in the presence of God.

No lie will stand in the presence of God.

No evil spirit shall be able to stand in the presence of God; Your presence casts out all evil.

Father, I thank You that perfect peace belongs to me, for my heart and mind are stayed on You. I thank You:

that testimonies reside and resound in this house.

that something new is taking place.

that something new is pressing forth.

that something new is coming out.

that something new is coming forward for me right now.

I thank You that the dark days are over, and the days of light are at hand for me and all the individuals in my house.

I thank You, God, that the promises of the Lord Almighty are yes and amen. I thank You today that healing is the children’s bread; it is my bread, for I am Your child. I thank You that the enemy is destroyed and exposed right now, today, in Your presence.

Lord, I thank You that the enemy is exposed. I say right now that any false spirit and any lies of the devil are exposed by the light and anointing of the Spirit of Almighty God today.

I thank You, God, that You not only hear prayer, but that You answer prayer.

I thank You today that You are moving among Your people and in my life. I thank You today that the anointing of Your Holy Ghost is moving right now in my life by the prayer of agreement. I thank You that the prayer of faith is moving in my life right now as well, and that You are saturating my heart, moving in my home and moving in my life.

Lord, I confess and boldly declare that You are restoring that which the enemy destroyed. You’re bringing back lost souls in my family, church and neighborhood. You’re bringing unhappy people to Yourself and are making them happy with the joy of the Lord today.

I thank You today, God, that the joy of the Lord is our strength. I thank You that the blessing of the Lord makes us rich, and You add no sorrow to it. Hallelujah!

I am Your child, Father God, and my family belongs to you. My church, city and nation belong to you. And I declare and decree that we are the people of God and we are free; and whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

Hallelujah! If you prayed that prayer, don’t stop there. Stay in the attitude of prayer, praise and worship, and clap your hands unto the Lord. Shout unto God with a voice of triumph!

My friend, no matter what’s going on in your life, prayer has never been more important.

We’re seeing God move across our great state of Tennessee because God’s people are praying. Therefore, I urge you to become a man or woman of prayer:

—Pray the prayer above right now, but don’t stop praying.

—Pray in the Spirit wherever you go.

—Pray in English.

—Pray in the language of your homeland.

Whatever you do, now more than ever, I urge you to stay before the throne of grace in a bold position of prayer. If you will do so, just as we have been seeing amazing miracles both at Dwelling Place Church and across the state of Tennessee, you also will obtain a constant river of mercy and grace to help in your time of need. {eoa}

Pastor Jamie Tuttle serves as lead pastor of Dwelling Place Church International. In addition to leading Dwelling Place Church International, Pastor Jamie also serves as CEO of HSM, which includes his wife’s ministry, Judy Jacobs International; his Song Music Group, Dwelling Room Studios and the International Institute of Mentoring. Pastors Jamie and Judy have two daughters, Kaylee and Erica. Read his power words and subscribe to his free email mini-course, Commissioned to Advance, at

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