Sun. Oct 13th, 2024

How to Walk in Ephesians 6:18


This is a great word for us to know today, and it reads: praying with all prayer, supplication in the spirit, with all manner of prayer and keep alert and watch with purpose …

This letter was written to the church; telling us to incessantly to pray for the believers that boldness, strength and glory shall flow from them.

How does this happen, you might ask? This only comes by connection with your spirit to the Holy Spirit.

Let’s start with praying. Praying can be done anywhere at any time. Whether you’re in your car, at the mall or in your house, you can pray! The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). This means to continue to pray all the time. Whatever rules may be against praying, whatever laws made by man against it, no one can stop prayer from our heart to our Father, amen?

Now let’s look at boldness. In Ephesians 3:12, the Bible tells us, we have faith for boldness and confidence to access the throne room through Jesus. That’s an awesome promise. Peter prayed for boldness in Acts 4:29. This means we can pray for boldness also. It takes boldness in these last days to pray and see results!

2. Strength. Nehemiah 8:10 tells us that the joy of the Lord in our strength. The greater your determination to follow God, he will give you strength, the strength to overcome every situation. The problems we face in today’s world will only be conquered through the strength of the Lord. He will saturate us with his joy unspeakable, and full of glory (1 Pet. 1:2). Strength will come with intercessory prayer; for the body of Christ. The more we intercede for the body, the more strength we all obtain.

3. Glory. This is a word from heaven, which will transmit and transfer as we submit ourselves to His will. Just the word GLORY sounds heavenly! It’s a powerful word. Hebrews 1:2-3 tells us that God spoke to prophets of old; that in the last days; by His son, Jesus; who is His heir, would be the brightness of His glory, in the image of His purging through Him our sins were purchased by His blood so, He could sit at the right hand of the Majesty on high. … Glory can only come by the spirit of unity then, as the church comes together the glory will be brighter than ever before. In these last days we as God’s people, need to shine brighter than ever before.

People today think that the word “glory” is to be only mentioned by angels at Christmastime. Not true. As men and women of God, we need to make a declaration of who He is and who we are, showing forth the glory of God.

So, pray always that the boldness, strength and glory will come forth from heaven and fill us until the coming of our Lord Jesus!

Dr. Frank Sumrall was born the eldest son of Dr. Lester Sumrall. He was a well-known International Evangelist for many years. He was raised in a loving, strong and evangelistic home. Sumrall attended several schools, and received his doctorate in Theology at Indiana Christian University. He has a burning desire and passion for souls. There’s a mighty anointing of the Holy Ghost on his life, and he preaches a powerful biblical message, and is used of God in the gifts of the Spirit. Sumrall loves to travel as an evangelist to the nations. He has traveled to 35 nations of the world.

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