Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to Unlock the Incredible Power of Positive Confessions

There are 7,487 promises in God’s Word. All of them belong to God’s people: those who have a new nature now, those referred to biblically as “children of promise” and “heirs of promise” (Gal. 4:28, Heb. 6:17).

God’s promises, like a rainbow, arc over our lives from the beginning to the end. They are so diverse in nature that believers will never face a negative situation without a promise that empowers them to overcome it.

One of the most amazing promises is Ephesians 3:20: “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or imagine, according to the power that works in us.”

Three strong power words are fused into this statement: exceedingly, abundantly and beyond. Exceedingly means to an unusual degree. Abundantly means generously or lavishly. Beyond means surpassing all limitations. Just one of these words should be sufficient to put a smile on our faces.

Imagine what God could do in your life. Imagine what answers He could send to your prayers. Then bump it up several notches beyond what you even think possible. Let your faith rest there—on the exceptional, the extraordinary, the supernatural—realizing this promise is dependent on the “power that works in us.”

What “power”? The power of faith. The power of positive confessions. The power of thanksgiving and praise.

This verse was fulfilled for me years ago in an amazing way, even when I didn’t believe.

Right after I found the Lord, I was focused on bringing my whole family to Jesus. One of my favorite uncles lived in Baraboo, Wisconsin, a small rural community on the way to the Wisconsin Dells.

I often prayed, “God, please send a born-again believer to Uncle Dick to share the Gospel with him.”

Then my voice would trail off, with echoing negative thoughts like, There aren’t any born-again believers in Baraboo. My doubts kept fighting my faith. Finally, I decided to take things into my own hands and drive up to Wisconsin from Tennessee. God must have been smiling the entire two days I spent on the road.

Because shortly before I arrived, a bus carrying about 25 believers on their way to a retreat broke down in Baraboo. Of course.

That’s not all. It was my uncle’s son-in-law who compassionately stopped and offered to help. Since they had no money for a motel, my gracious uncle and his son-in-law (who lived next door) let them sleep on their couches and the floors of their trailers.

I asked God to send one, and instead He sent wall-to-wall Christians—singing, worshipping, holding Bible studies and sharing the truth with my uncle and his family—for over a week, while they waited for their bus to be fixed. Then, as they were leaving, I showed up, feeling almost useless after I heard what God had done.

Many times since that day the thought has surfaced in my heart: If the Almighty God could do that when I doubted, what can He do when I believe? Try stretching your faith that high today! {eoa}

This article is based on 25 Powerful Promises from God (Charisma House, 2018) by Mike Shreve. Shreve has been involved in full-time ministry since 1971, sharing the gospel around the world. His passion is to see authentic New Testament Christianity in the earth, the release of God’s glory, the manifestation of His gifts, and the fulfillment of His promises. Shreve is the author of more than fifteen books, including 65 Promises From God for Your Child, Powerful Prayers for Supernatural Results, and Who Am I? (Charisma House). He and his wife, Elizabeth, reside in Cleveland, Tennessee, with their two children. Visit him at,, and

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