Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How the Holy Spirit Is Calling Us to a Concert of Prayer

As part of a global prayer movement restoring America’s soul, on Sept. 25-26 thousands gathered on the Washington Mall and prayed according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, asking the Lord to “forgive our sins and heal our land.” Confessing sins and turning to the Lord is the first step in the vast concert of prayer the Holy Spirit is calling us to.

The Lord is showing us the next steps:

Praying for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

We are called to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring a true revival. This consists of a return to Jesus Christ the Messiah, accepting who He says He is: “I am the way, the truth, and the life! No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6, TLV).

A revival able to spread to the ends of the earth and transform societies causes all who have accepted Jesus as the Messiah to be baptized with the Holy Spirt and empowered by God to take part in restoring the Kingdom to Israel, and witnessing to Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations (see Acts 2:4-8).

Praying Against the Works of the Enemy

In the power of the Holy Spirit, unmasking and defeating the demonic strongholds, Satan is building to block God’s kingdom. In 2020, through movements clashing together on both the radical Left (Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other Marxist based groups) and the radical right (white supremacist, Nazis and Ku Klux Klan), Satan is seeking to destroy the Judeo-Christian foundations of the United States as embedded in America’s founding documents.

Leaders Empowered by God to Resist Tyranny and Restore the Biblical Foundations

If the soul of America is to be healed and our Judeo-Christian foundations restored, we must both pray and vote for leaders who will be used by God to stand against these anti-God, anti-Judeo-Christian values movements.

Intercessors must look past the personalities and foibles of the candidates into the ideology their administrations will bring with them. We must discern past their words and examine their deeds and evaluate whether they are consistent with the great founding principles of the Unites States which are based on biblical faith.

To see through this, we must pray the Lord open our eyes to see through the crafty narrative that has been built by the liberal media, the Democratic leadership and the entertainment world who apparently have been deceived into the agenda of the radical Left.

The admonition from Paul, let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s judgment comes on the children of disobedience (Eph. 5:6), applies not just to the false teachers but of politicians as well.

I am personally deeply concerned for the many Christians and Jews who so dislike of the obnoxious personality, style and past moral failures of Donald J. Trump that they are being blinded to the very evil Marxist ideology that will be allowed in if he and his administration are defeated in this election. The vicious hatred we see in the press and in some leaders is not only blinding them but also opening the doors for high level demonic spirits of lawlessness and deception.

In the 1930s, Satan used people’s hatred of Winston Churchill, offense at his brash, pugnacious personality, his drinking and other constantly harped- upon foibles (which were many) to blind them from his warnings of the mortal dangers posed by Nazi Germany. The result of so many being deceived then was catastrophic. Now, unless people wake up, I fear the consequences will be the same in 2020.

I am convinced that prayer makes a difference and changes the tide of history. So if you are truly concerned about the course of present events, and the way they are all pointing to an impending national and global disaster, this is a way that each of us really can do something that will shape history not according to the devil’s plans for evil, but in fulfillment of the biblical vision of the kingdom of God.

For more from Dr. Long, listen to the interviews featuring him and Dr. Jim Logan on the Charisma Connection here. {eoa}

Rev. Dr. Zeb Bradford Long is the executive director of Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International (PRMI).

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