Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Here’s a Prayer That God Can’t Resist

This sincere prayer will resonate with God every time.

In the face of our nation’s current condition, there is so much for which to contend. Nevertheless, the condition of our hearts is critical for determining the effect of our righteous acts and intercession.

To understand what the Lord is looking for, let’s consider the stories of two kings presented in Scripture: Amaziah (2 Chr. 25) and Asa (2 Chr. 15.) When Amaziah became king, he made good reforms, affecting change and cleaning up much of the sin in Israel. Amaziah even tore down the high places, which is where Israel had built idols. But ironically, we are also told that while Amaziah did right in the sight of the Lord, he did not do it with a whole heart (2 Chr. 25:2).

The word “whole” here is shalem (the root word for shalom,) which means “peace, wholeness, undivided.” Amaziah carried out the reforms, but his heart was still not completely given to the Lord; it was divided. Not surprisingly, as we continue to read about Amaziah, we learn that he eventually turned away from the Lord.

King Asa also enacted good reforms, removing idols, restoring the altar of sacrifice and leading the people in receiving covenant with the Lord. Unlike Amaziah, however, he did not tear down the high places of idolatry. Despite this shortcoming, 2 Chronicles 15:17 tells us that Asa’s heart was blameless and wholly devoted to the Lord all his days.

Though accomplishing fewer good works, Asa gave the Lord his very best from a heart completely surrendered to Him.

The contrast between these two kings shows us that God is not looking for perfection. Though our actions matter, He is far more concerned with the condition of our hearts while doing those things. What He is looking for is an undivided heart that fully belongs to Him.

In Matthew 5, one of the beatitudes reinforces this: “Blessed are the pure in heart.” The word “pure” means unmixed. Blessed are the unmixed, the whole, the undivided in heart, for they shall see God. What an encouraging promise!

David, the “man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22; 1 Sam. 13:14), wanted a close walk with God. He is found pleading with the Lord, “Unite my heart to fear Your name” (Ps. 86:11). That sounds like a strange phrase, but David realized that his heart was divided; a piece of it still didn’t belong to the Lord, so he went to Him and said, “Will you help me? Give me a whole heart that’s completely Yours.” That’s a prayer God can’t resist!

David’s attitude is one that produces the following promise in Scripture: “The Pharisees and Sadducees came and, testing Him, asked Him to show them a sign from heaven” (2 Chr. 16:9). Isn’t that what we long for in America—for the Lord to demonstrate His strong arm on our behalf? For a mighty move of God’s Spirit to sweep through our land, revive the church and transform this nation?

The Lord has shown us the way to achieve that. It begins by fully surrendering our hearts to Him.

In this critical hour of our nation’s history, the Lord desires—much more than we do—to release His river of revival to flow through America once again! But He is looking for a people through which His cleansing stream can flow. To those whose hearts are fully surrendered to Him, there is a promise of support and provision.

I challenge you to pray the prayer God cannot resist. Ask Him to unite your heart, and He promises to show Himself strong! {eoa}

Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, teacher and conference speaker. He travels extensively, empowering believers for passionate prayer and societal transformation. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. Dutch’s greatest passion is to see America experience a sweeping revival and return to its godly heritage. He is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging believers to contend for awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime. Dutch has written over 20 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. Please visit

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