Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Are You In God’s Holy Remnant?

People praying

God is rising a remnant of valiant prayer warriors on the earth.

I had an open vision in which I saw a gambling casino covering the earth. In the casino were global players who were gambling for the world’s resources (gold, silver, oil, water and so on). They had no problem committing genocide against entire nations to obtain these valuable commodities.

They were playing with cards and gambling for high stakes. Their faces became like dogs. They had on thick collars, some with spikes, and they were smoking expensive cigars and laughing crudely. Some were drunk and bragging about their evil exploits.

But then I saw the kingdom players of the Lord, who also came and sat at the various tables to play for world resources. They were undetected. They were the Lord’s secret agents.

The scene changed to the site of an ancient castle in Switzerland. Very expensive cars—Rolls-Royces, Bentleys and limousines—arrived, carrying Old World families, the wealthy of the earth, who controlled the financial and political rise and fall of nations through the centuries.

These families carried their colorful coats of arms into the ancient castle. Several of the family crests revealed that they had committed genocide against the Jews in Europe. Others showed that they had masterminded the political upheaval in African nations in exchange for gold, silver and diamond mines.

It was like a “parade” of generational evil being displayed, and great honor and recognition was given to each family. They saluted one another, recognizing that each one played a key role in future world domination.

As the vision continued, I went into a huge boardroom and overheard those in the room methodically planning and orchestrating world terrorism. They began to plan evil throughout the earth to paralyze the world with fear.

Then I heard the Lord speak to me. He said: “Yes, evil alliances are being formed, but I am releasing holy alliances. Do not fear.”

He also told me that He is raising up an Enoch Company—a group of intercessors who will infiltrate these secret, evil alliances. They will hear the plans of Satan, return to the councils of God and then legislate holy plans to devour the evil plans. The Enoch Company are radical worshiping warriors who love the Lord and go to battle for greater truth with the sword of the Lord.

In the hour of history in which we live, moving in the Spirit is essential to our survival. Hearing God’s voice in everyday life is not an option but a necessity. It is imperative that we all live supernatural lives and spend time in the secret place with the Lord. He is calling all of us to deeper intimacy and prayer in this hour.

The Lord is mobilizing global prayer warriors to invade the kingdom of darkness that threatens the borders of our nations. These intercessors will stand in the gap to bring down fresh strategies from the kingdom of God.

I feel as if the Lord is raising a remnant of valiant prayer warriors across denominations around the earth—radical prayer furnaces who are saying, “Lord, we don’t want to have just little prayers; we want to go into the heavens and see what is happening so we can impact our world.”

The Lord is saying that He is looking for people who are willing to move at a governmental level and to ask Him what is over the land and territory. This kairos hour in history demands that we know the times and seasons. Can we go into the council of the Lord and get fresh strategies and war plans for today?

The late Jill Austin founded Master Potter Ministries. She traveled extensively for more than 25 years as a national and international conference speaker and wrote several books.


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