Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Do Not Fear the Spirit of Jezebel


My child, do not fear the evil powers of the spirit of Jezebel, for I have loosed the hounds of heaven against her. Just as I raised My faithful servant Jehu to bring destruction to evil Queen Jezebel, so I have given you the power to destroy the power of the spirits of Jezebel from your life. Because of My power at work in you, you will rebuke and bind the spirits of witchcraft, lust, seduction, intimidation, idolatry, and whoredom, which are connected to this evil spirit. Arise in the spirit of Jehu, and use My power to defeat the evil Jezebel spirits from your life and the lives of your loved ones.

1 Kings 21:23; 2 Kings 9:30–37

Prayer Declaration

Father, I take command over the spirits of witchcraft that are at work through the evil spirit of Jezebel, and I rebuke it from my life. I will not fear the evil plans of the Jezebel spirit to entrap me or the members of my family with the bondage of witchcraft in any form. Greater is the power of my God within me than the evil intents and schemes of the devil and his spirits of Jezebel.

All of these are from Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfare by John Eckhardt.

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