Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. —James 4:7-8

When we can ask for both winds—His dealings and His blessings—we are saying, “If You love me so much, I know it’s safe to be Yours. I deeply trust You. I’m not afraid of difficult circumstances. You do not give anything that takes away real life. You have guarded my every step.” Don’t confuse the north wind with the attack of the devil. We must always resist his onslaughts. We don’t invite his attack. That’s absolute foolishness, for we must always resist the devil and his dealings with us. We can trust our Beloved absolutely. Therefore, we are not afraid to pray this prayer: “I love You, Jesus. I want all my immaturity to be gone. I want my heart to be yoked with Your heart. Your inheritance in me is the most important thing in my life. Therefore, awake, O north wind!”


Lord, in the winter of discouragement and spiritual attack from Satan, I resist his plans to destroy my life, and I desire the inheritance of a blessed and faithful life.

God can use the attacks of Satan
to strengthen our hearts.

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