Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. —Psalm 147:10-11

Perhaps you have grown so accustomed to the constant, condemning barrage from the enemy, from your own accusing thoughts or the criticism of others, you hardly know what it is like to live without a sense of sin, failure, and rejection clouding your heart. You may have come to view yourself as failing, utterly unlovely and worthless, but that is not the way your beloved Lord sees you. As you look to Jesus and set your soul to follow Him at any cost, one loving glance seizes His heart and carries it away. “You have ravished My heart with one look from your eyes!” He exclaims. “I am overwhelmed by your devotion. You are so lovely, such a source of joy and delight to My heart!”


There are times, dear God, when I feel like such a spiritual failure. But when I place my eyes back on You instead of on myself, I am filled afresh with the wonder of Your love, which enables me to rise above my weakness and become all You desire me to become.

God calls us forth in ways we would never dream,
yet we accuse ourselves so terribly.

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