Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Draw me after you and let us run together! The king has brought me into his chambers. We will rejoice in you and be glad; We will extol your love more than wine. Rightly do they love you. —Song of Solomon 1:4, NAS

After the maiden in the Song of Solomon awakens to fervency, she then prays a twofold prayer: “Draw me after you and let us run together!” The order of that prayer is important. First we are drawn to Him in intimacy; then we run together with Him in ministry. It’s easy for people to pray, “Let me run with You, Jesus,” or “Increase my sphere of ministry and influence,” without also fervently seeking to be drawn near to Him. God’s order is that we be drawn to greater intimacy with Jesus as the way to greater effectiveness in ministry. That is what “running,” or real ministry, is all about—bringing deliverance to the hearts of human beings so they can be drawn into knowing and worshiping God intimately.


Father, keep my steps running ever closer to You. Draw me close to You, and let me partner with You in bringing deliverance to others. Let me show them the path to intimacy with You.

If we are to become effective co-laborers with Christ,
running with Him, we first must focus
on being drawn as worshipers
to encounter His affection for us.

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