Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—for your love is more delightful than wine. Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the maidens love you! —Song of Solomon 1:2-3

Believers today are realizing that if our hunger for intimacy is ever to be satisfied, we must have Him whose affectionate love is far better than “churchianity” or the best wine of earthly experiences and possessions. Like the maiden who cried, “Your love is more delightful than wine,” believers are coming to the point where they realize that money and material things are never going to supply the needs of our spirits. Prominence in the church or the world will never do it. No sensual or romantic relationship with another human being will ever satisfy the deep cravings of our spirits. We’re becoming tired of powerless religion that can’t deliver us from sin or from ourselves; tired of leaders filled with anger, striving, and immorality; tired of churches paralyzed in apathy.


Forgive me, God, for the “churchianity” that so often creeps into my life. I’m tired of powerless religion, of subtle sins that hide within my heart, and of the pew-sitting tendencies that keep me from serving You and loving You with passion.

We’re weary of trying to draw water
from a dry well in the name of Jesus.

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