{ Day 357 }

The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. —Isaiah 32:17

Patience. We need to slow down and take our time in praying for others. The Holy Spirit doesn’t like to be pushed—He wants to do the leading. Usually, He takes His time in showing His power. In quietness of soul we are able to better receive the impressions of the Spirit upon our spirits, minds, emotions, and bodies. “Soaking” prayer is often very necessary to remove stubborn strongholds of the evil one.


Spirit, how much I need Your patience. Cause me to understand that as I confidently and quietly wait for You to work in my life, You will transform me and give me the strength of Your presence.

In quietness of soul we are able to better receive
the impressions of the Spirit upon our spirits,
minds, emotions, and bodies.

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