Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. —2 Peter 1:19

God has raised up leaders in the church throughout the generations who have functioned as prophets of God crying out against the sins of the people. John Wesley, for instance, turned England back to God when the people’s personal unrighteousness and apathy had brought them to the edge of societal chaos. This outcry is similar to the prophetic cry against social injustice, but different in that it is specifically directed to the people in the church. It is less like Jonah prophesying against Nineveh and more like Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesying to Israel and Judah. People such as Billy Graham, Charles Colson, John Piper, David Wilkerson, and A. W. Tozer stand out in my mind as prophetic ministers raised up to cry out against unrighteousness in the church as they revealed the deep things about the knowledge of God. Their words have been anointed by the Spirit to awaken hearts to holiness and passion for Jesus.


Father, give us a clear understanding of the men and women of God whom You are using as prophetic ministers to our world today. Anoint their spirits and awaken their hearts to holiness and passion for Your Son. Cause us to be attendant to their words, that we do not miss the revelations of Your Spirit that they bring.

God uses such prophetic voices, just as He used
John the Baptist, to prick the conscience
of believers unto full revival.

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