Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. —Revelation 19:10, NKJV

This means that the fresh revelation of Jesus’s heart is the essence of His testimony. This includes the revealing of who He is along with what He does and how He feels. The spirit (purpose) of prophecy is to reveal these aspects of Jesus’s testimony. Passion for Jesus is the result of this prophetic revelation. Such holy passion is the highlight of the prophetic church. It is a ministry that passionately feels and reveals the divine heart to the church and the world. Prophetic ministry has to do not only with information but also with the ability to experience in some measure the compassion, grief, and joy of God, and then to gain a passion for God. Out of experiencing God will come the revelation of some of His future plans and purposes. If you “desire earnestly to prophesy” (1 Cor. 14:39) by merely seeking information from the mind of God, you have bypassed the cornerstone and the essence of prophetic ministry—the revelation of His heart.


Father, may I never forget that the revelations You place within my spirit for others must be given out of a heart that passionately loves You and desires to reveal Your heart of compassion and love for Your people.

The prophetic ministry is to be stamped and
sealed with an affection for and
sensitivity to the heart of God.

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