His life is the light that shines through the darkness—and the darkness can never extinguish it. —John 1:5, tlb
John wrote his account many years after the other three Gospel writers. As he looked back, he commented on the irresistible nature of the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Compromise and passivity will be solved as the Lord allows us to gaze upon Him with deeper insight into His personal beauty and unveil His glory. The body of Christ will rediscover Christ’s personhood and majesty. When we do, we will give ourselves to Him in unparalleled affection and obedience.
Your light is the light of my life, dear Father, and Your glory illuminates the deepest crevices of my being. Shine Your light ever more and more in my life so that I may behold Your majesty and glory.
The splendor and glory of Jesus Christ will once
again capture the affections of the
church in a new way.