Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Answer me, O Lord, out of the goodness of your love; in your great mercy turn to me. Do not hide your face from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in trouble. Come near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes. —Psalm 69:16-18

One of the more difficult things to deal with as a prophetic minister is coming face-to-face with people in great need only to find God completely silent on the matter. This awkward situation, which will inevitably arise, presents a real test of character and maturity for the prophetic person. The pressures of people’s expectations and assumptions push many prophetic ministers into dangerous waters that can eventually shipwreck their integrity as well as their ministry. Notwithstanding the pressure of people’s expectations or his own desire to help a person in need, a prophetic minister must discipline himself to remain silent when God is silent. Manufacturing a word in his own mind, whether it is out of compassion or the pressure of our ministry credibility, can work directly against the purpose of God in the life of a church or an individual. A lack of integrity never builds people’s faith over the long haul, even though the people may be excited for the moment over a man-made prophetic word.


Father, may I never speak a word until You have filled my mouth and disciplined my spirit to be Your servant. Teach me the integrity of keeping my mouth shut when it is filled with my words only.

The great temptation is to give a word
you don’t have in order to release
the pressure of the moment.

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