Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Free me from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth. —Psalm 31:4-5

What does it mean to commit our spirits to the Lord? Our spirit is the part of us that touches our deepest desires and dreams. It is the repository for our greatest passions and hopes for our lives. As He hung on the cross, Jesus was saying, “Father, I commit to You the things I treasure the most. I surrender to Your hand what I have lived for and believed in.” I believe Jesus was declaring the secret of how He lived His entire earthly life. At the end of His life He knew this spiritual principle would again prove reliable and true. God was His source, and God is our source. Committing our spirits to Him means asking the Father to take care of those things that matter most to our hearts. It is recognizing that we can’t make God’s promises come to pass in our own strength. When you commit something into God’s hands, the devil cannot steal it. The only person who could stop the will of God in David’s life was David. And only you can stop God’s will from happening in your life by disconnecting from communion with God.


Teach me, Lord, that only as I surrender myself completely to You will I discover the secret to fulfilling Your will for my life. Keep me from stopping Your will from happening in my life. I will never disconnect myself from constant communion with You.

When our spirits are hidden in Him, the
enemy can’t lay a finger on them.

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