Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

When all the elders of Israel had come to King David at Hebron, the king made a compact with them at Hebron before the Lord, and they anointed David king over Israel. —2 Samuel 5:3

David waited for the season of God’s promotion. It arrived one day when Ishbosheth was murdered by wicked men. David had arrived. This season of Zion speaks to us of the full release of what God promised David during his earthly lifetime. This is when the full prophetic destiny for our lives begins to be manifest. David would soon capture Jerusalem, referred to as “Zion” in Scripture, and set up his capital there instead of Gibeah. There is no substitute for the confidence we feel upon arriving at our destiny in God’s time and in His way. Many people work hard to get their ministry moving and happening. They strive at work to attain a certain position. But sometimes they feel God hasn’t moved fast enough on their behalf, so they hurry it along with unholy manipulation. They may get the position or prominence they want, but they lack any confidence in it. They are consumed with fear that somebody will take over their territory or steal their position. They live with anxiety because they can’t be sure God gave the ministry or position to them in the first place. They have built on a faulty foundation. Beloved, I exhort you for the sake of your purpose and destiny in this life, allow God to take you to your Zion! You either arrive legitimately with the confidence of heaven behind you, or you arrive illegitimately and riddled with anxiety.


Father, stay my hands from hindering Your plan for me with unholy manipulation. Keep the fear and anxiety of human position from destroying me. Raise me up and set my feet on the path to Zion.

Don’t step out of line; don’t rush.
There is no second best in this.

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