Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” —Matthew 25:23

In our own lives, the small days will make us faithful in small things so we can be trusted later with big things. This is also the place where we learn to find our satisfaction not in the prophecy or promise but in God. He must be the sole source of our identity. Each of us starts in Bethlehem, finding our identity in God and becoming faithful in small things. It would be much nicer, from a carnal perspective, to skip Bethlehem and go right to Zion. But the journey to our highest destiny starts with little responsibilities. It may mean being neglected, pushed aside, and ignored. But this significant season lays the foundation for success later on. It’s an essential, inescapable part of the journey from which nobody is exempt, not even the Messiah. Both David and Jesus had their small beginnings in Bethlehem, yet both were destined to rule with God’s authority. If the eternal King started in Bethlehem, so will anyone who follows Him.


Father, so often my life seems filled with “small days.” When I am consumed with insignificant details, filled with little thoughts, and paralyzed with inadequacy within myself, cause me to recognize that You are in the little things and that You have destined me to experience Your power and authority.

This is the place where we learn to find our
satisfaction not in the prophecy
or promise but in God.

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